Let's explore more of this tool we've been interacting with, the Lurk REPL.

Until now, every Lurk expression we've evaluated was evaluated under an empty environment. Trying to evaluate a dangling a would trigger an error indicating an unbound variable.

lurk-user> a
[1 iteration] => <Err UnboundVar>

But we can alter the REPL's environment by using what we call meta commands. In particular, we can use the def meta command.

lurk-user> !(def a (+ 1 1))
lurk-user> a
[1 iteration] => 2

We mark meta commands with a ! before opening parentheses.

There are multiple meta commands available in the REPL. We're not going to be exhaustive here because there's a help meta command.

lurk-user> !(help)
Available commands:
  assert - Asserts that an expression doesn't reduce to nil.
  assert-emitted - Asserts that the evaluation of an expr emits expected values
  assert-eq - Assert that two expressions evaluate to the same value.

And it can also provide further help on specific meta commands.

lurk-user> !(help def)
def - Extends env with a non-recursive binding.
    Gets macroexpanded to (let ((<symbol> <value>)) (current-env)).
    The REPL's env is set to the result.
  Usage: !(def <symbol> <value>)
    !(def foo (lambda () 123))

However, we need to go over a few abstractions in order to understand some meta commands you may encounter.

Chaining callables

A callable object is either a function or a commitment to a function. For example, the following is accepted by Lurk.

lurk-user> (commit (lambda (x) (+ x 1)))
[2 iterations] => #c0x3a248e9776f7f49a5279269aae67a9a0eac50357406b1e1083b571fd5b2c5b
lurk-user> (#c0x3a248e9776f7f49a5279269aae67a9a0eac50357406b1e1083b571fd5b2c5b 10)
[6 iterations] => 11

Now let's talk about a specific class of callable objects: ones that can be chained.

A chainable callable, once provided with all arguments, must return a pair such that

  • The first component is the result of the computation
  • The second component is the next callable

To illustrate it, let's define a chainable counter.

(commit (letrec ((add (lambda (counter x)
                        (let ((counter (+ counter x)))
                          (cons counter (commit (add counter)))))))
          (add 0)))
[6 iterations] => #c0x5a34ed7712c5fd2f324feb0e1764b27bac9259c4b663e4601e678939a9363d

And let's see what happens when we provide the argument 5 to it.

lurk-user> (#c0x5a34ed7712c5fd2f324feb0e1764b27bac9259c4b663e4601e678939a9363d 5)
[13 iterations] => (5 . #c0x4a706d7701a9b79ddbffca887f38c60bd7eb38acc737b53ea631a10fff7e4b)

We get the current counter result and the next callable (a functional commitment in this example). So let's provide the argument 3 to this next callable.

lurk-user> (#c0x4a706d7701a9b79ddbffca887f38c60bd7eb38acc737b53ea631a10fff7e4b 3)
[13 iterations] => (8 . #c0xf61e10e5c607c0fe0ef7cd879b6d2a6eb1ea7016fde6479e836b56ea27bf3)

The new result is 8 and we also get the next callable, as expected. This process can continue indefinitely.

The background provided above should be enough to understand the chain and transition meta commands.

Lurk protocol

The Lurk protocol API is useful when a verifier party wants to be specific about what a proof must claim before checking whether it verifies or not.

Broadly speaking, a Lurk protocol is an open declaration for how the public input of a proof will be constructed.

A claim of a Lurk reduction states that an expression expr, when evaluated under an environment env, results on res. Shortly, (expr, env) -> res. Or, using pairs, ((expr . env) . res).

A protocol may require arguments in order to construct the expected claim. And a protocol may also reject a proof by returning nil instead of a claim.

The last bit of information before we go over a simple example is that a protocol can also define a post-verification predicate. That's a 0-arg function that uses the protocol arguments to validate a claim after verification happens. This is useful when there's an expensive check that needs to happen that's more expensive than verifying the proof. Such a check would fit well as a post-verification predicate.

Now let's write a protocol that receives a number n and proves that n = n under the empty environment. This shouldn't be a hard task for any prover who accepts the challenge, but it's a good starting example.

!(defprotocol simple-protocol (n)
    ;; claim definition
    (cons (cons (list '= n n) (empty-env))
    ;; post-verification predicate is not provided
  :description "(= n n) reduces to t")

(list '= n n) creates the Lurk expression (= <n> <n>) on the fly. More on this later.

That protocol can be persisted on the file system and shared.

lurk-user> !(dump-expr simple-protocol "simple-protocol-file")
Data persisted at simple-protocol-file

Some prover out there can download the protocol and load it from their file system.

lurk-user> !(load-expr simple-protocol "simple-protocol-file")

And then prove it for, say, the number 3.

lurk-user> !(prove-protocol simple-protocol "protocol-proof" 3)
Proof key: "299be6acd05ee9cc8e3687cb85b3b3cf32acf62f4be3c46995156136597966"
Protocol proof saved at protocol-proof

Let's inspect the (cached) proof we've just created.

lurk-user> !(inspect "299be6acd05ee9cc8e3687cb85b3b3cf32acf62f4be3c46995156136597966")
Expr: (= 3 3)
Env: <Env ()>
Result: t

Now the prover sends the protocol-proof file to the verifier, who can verify it.

lurk-user> !(verify-protocol simple-protocol "protocol-proof")
Proof accepted by the protocol

In the example above, the post-verification predicate was not defined (set to nil). Also, there was no restriction on the number used by the prover. A slight variation would be to require that the number must be an u64.

!(defprotocol simple-protocol (n)
    (if (type-eqq 0 n)
      ;; return a claim if n is indeed u64
      (cons (cons (list '= n n) (empty-env))
      ;; the following nil makes the protocol reject the proof
    ;; again, no post-verification predicate
  :description "(= n n) reduces to t")

And if some prover tries to prove it with, say, a field element instead of an u64, the REPL won't allow it.

lurk-user> !(prove-protocol simple-protocol "protocol-proof" 3n)
!Error: Pre-verification predicate rejected the input

The same check happens on the verifier side (of course!), which would be able to reject a proof generated with a maliciously edited REPL on the prover side.

Sharing proofs

The proof files created with the prove meta command showcase Lurk's proving capabilities, but they may contain information that we don't want to disclose.

lurk-user> !(def password "some password")
lurk-user> !(def hash (hide (bignum (commit password)) "private data"))
lurk-user> !(prove (begin (open hash) t))
[4 iterations] => t
Proof key: "14c6c98e3409c56139e2d3b096980bb5b6f380fc7582f69bbf61edccc13949"
lurk-user> !(inspect "14c6c98e3409c56139e2d3b096980bb5b6f380fc7582f69bbf61edccc13949")
Expr: (begin (open hash) t)
Env: <Env ((hash . #c0x51d1c3d0c5ea9d2d7d27eda6ef7ef48ad2ffd8dd80693adf06a4afeed6fd8a) (password . "some password"))>
Result: t

See above that the binding for password is visible in the claim's environment. Thus, such proof files are not meant to be shared.

The safe way to share proofs is using the protocol API mentioned above, which creates proof files designed to be shared. This is because protocol proofs carry just enough information for the verifier to reconstruct the entire claim, and do not include unnecessary (and potentially private) information from the prover's REPL environment.